Painting a wall– Prepping and painting
Aren’t we tired of plain ol’ walls around us? Do you like you walls to be a bit more accented? Would you like them to reflect a dash of your personality? Many of us are spending more and more time at homes now and how cool it would be to bring some freshness to our living space.
During these cautious times many would not like a professional decorator to come home and give your walls a makeover. So, let us do this ourselves and no it is not complicated as it seems; all it requires some Fevicryl Acrylic colours and a few accessories! You may paint a small motif, or some doodles, or big mandalas or a quote, anything you want to. The colours and your art will remain timeless and will not fade away.
So let us learn how to start wall painting:
You want to paint that quaint little corner or a big expanse of your living room wall, the basic steps remain the same.
1st step is to - Prep the wall
Choose a wall you want to paint. Clean the wall if you can; many emulsion paints allow the walls to be cleaned with soap and sponge. If the walls have any holes and crack fill them with wall putty and using a flat tool like a scrapper and smoothen it. If you have a wall where the paint is peeling or chipping off, with a fine sand paper gently sand the area. If you are painting a big design on a freshly painted wall prime the area with a primer and a roller to avoid wasting paints and let it dry thoroughly. Voila the wall is ready to be painted.
2nd step – Make a design
It is very important to think and zero down on a perfect design for your room before you start painting, be it a small design for a switch board or a big design for a center of a wall. The colour scheme and the look and feel of the room and the décor will also be catalyst in finalising that perfect design for the wall. Also what type of room you are painting will also be a factor in deciding the type of design or theme you will pick, whether it will be abstract or nature related or A design can be made directly on the wall with a pencil or can be transferred using a white carbon sheet or a stencil or a die for hand painting a wall, or you may use various tools to make a textured wall. For drawing a design use a watercolour pencil and choose the colour close to the base colour of the wall. In case of a mistake while drawing the strokes can be wiped away with a wet rag.
3rd step – Prepping to paint
Prepare prepare prepare! Be ready with the covering for your clothes and for your floor. Also keep all the material required to pain the wall ready. Cover your clothes and hair and if possible, while painting big areas, wear gloves. Put a scrap of cloth on the floor or newspapers, in case any paint drops while painting. Keep ready a palette, all the colours, different sizes of the brushes as per the design and some tissues for wiping.
And now you are ready to create a wall mural masterpiece! Don’t flinch, let your drawing be perfect and the painting will be a smooth ride. Start from the top and move towards the bottom.Let the colours dry between the coats. Apply the finishing touches at the end. Your happy space is ready!